16th-31st September 2024 A Fortnightly Newsletter
16 to 31 sep 2024 – Copy
16 to 31 sep 2024 – Copy
15th-31st August 2024 A Fortnightly Newsletter
जीवन में सफलता उन्हें ही मिलती है जो उसे पाने के लिए अपनी पूरी लगन और मेहनत से उसके लिए प्रयत्न करते है अपने जीवन का लक्ष्य पहले से ही निर्धारित करते है कि उन्हें जीवन में करना क्या है ऐसे ही द्रण निश्चय वाले धरमसिंह जी है जिन्होंने अपनी मेहनत और लगन से ग्रेन…
हाल ही में स्वावलंबी भारत अभियान के नेतृत्व में स्वदेशी शोध संस्थान ने उद्यमिता प्रोत्साहन सम्मेलन के अवसर पर राष्ट्रीय मूल्यांकन एवं प्रत्यायन परिषद (NAAC) बेंगलुरू द्वारा पश्चिम क्षेत्र की नॉक सुधारों पर गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी अहमदाबाद में एक कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया गया । इस कार्यशाला में नॉक के डायरेक्टर प्रोफेसर गणेशन , गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी…
Author: Prof. Amit Bhaduri Publisher: National Book Trust , India Reviewer: Prof. Raj Kumar Mittal, Member-UGC and All India Co-Convener, Swadeshi Jagran Manch Review The book is written by internationally renowned unconventional economist Prof. Amit Bhaduri, who has the distinction of challenging the mainstream theorists and providing solutions within the market economy through state interventions.…
The financial capability, technical capability, and knowledge capability areamong the core of the self-reliance of any nation. The demographic dividend is the runway on which the technical capability and knowledge capability can rely to fly. The shelf life of technology and knowledge applications is diminishing fast. It is the technical capability that has proved as…
Shelter is an essential component of human survival. Roof over one’s head is to be seen as the basic human right. Housing is an important aspect among the developing nation. Its main focus is to imply economic development within the rural sector. But we see shortage of shelter is a universal phenomenon faced by majority…
Abstract COVID-19 has been no less than a nightmare for the world. No community or person was left unaffected. The impact of the coronavirus pandemic can be seen in different sections of society, but this impact has not been uniform for all. The current pandemic has amplified the inequalities that were somehow already deep-rooted across…
Prof. Ashwani Mahajan Professor, P.G.D.A.V College, Prof. Phool Chand Professor, P.G.D.A.V College Annu Kumari Doctoral Scholar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sector-16C, Dwarka, New Delhi Abstract Today, India’s e-commerce is ushering towards inclusive growth with Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC). It is a revolution in e-commerce practices that aims to solve consumers’ day-to-day problemsand…