The Ascendancy of Nationhood (Rashtratv) and Nationalism (Rashtrabhav) in Bharat after 2014

-By Dr Rakesh Arya (Researcher)   Abstract: The post-2014 period in Bharat has witnessed a distinct shift in the discourse on nationhood (Rashtratv) and nationalism (Rashtrabhav), marked by the interplay of political, cultural, and ideological transformations. This article examines the evolving contours of these concepts in the socio-political landscape of contemporary India, particularly under the…

AI-Powered Predictive Analytics in Financial Forecasting: Implications for Corporate Planning and Risk Management

-By Naman Kashyap Keywords Corporate Strategy, Risk Management, Financial Forecasting, Predictive Analytics Abstract This study examines the influence of AI-powered predictive analytics on financial forecasting and its consequences for corporate strategy and risk management. Data from 300 individuals in the Delhi NCR region were acquired using a mixed-methods approach, which involved surveys and semi-structured interviews.…

Economy Recession: सबसे पावरफुल इकोनॉमी की सेहत खराब होने का संकेत- आर्थिक मंदी की बातें शुरू हुई

Economy Recession: सबसे पावरफुल इकोनॉमी की सेहत खराब होने का संकेत- आर्थिक मंदी की बातें शुरू हुई

अप्रैल-जनवरी 2025 में भारत का निर्यात सालाना आधार पर 7.2% बढ़ेगा… Read more

अप्रैल 2024 से जनवरी 2025 की अवधि में भारत के कुल निर्यात में 7.2% की वर्ष-दर-वर्ष (YoY) वृद्धि दर्ज की गई, जो वाणिज्य और उद्योग मंत्रालय के आंकड़ों के अनुसार वैश्विक व्यापार में भारत की बढ़ती भागीदारी को दर्शाता है। इस वृद्धि का प्रमुख कारण इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स निर्माण और एयरोस्पेस उद्योग का विस्तार है। हालांकि, संभावित…

India and the Global South: Issues, Engagement and Challenges

-By Dr. Rakesh Arya Abstract: The concept of the Global South encompasses regions in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Oceania, representing developing nations with shared historical contexts of colonization and economic marginalization. India’s role within the Global South is pivotal, leveraging its growing economic power, democratic framework, and strategic geopolitical positioning to advocate for equitable…

China’s Demographic Realities and Economic Slowdown: Opportunities and Challenges for India

-Dr Reeta Kumari (Researcher) Abstract China, once greeted as the engine of global economic growth, is now dealing with profound demographic shifts and a slowing economy. The nation’s declining fertility rates, shrinking workforce, and rapidly aging population pose significant long-term challenges to its economic vitality. Concurrently, structural inefficiencies, real estate crises, and dwindling export growth…